About Us

Our goal is to empower communities
through educational financing


Our Vision

Leading educational and socio-economic empowerment through financing.

Our Mission

Providing accessible and affordable financial solutions for students.

Value 1

Leading educational and socio-economic empowerment through financing.

Value 2

Leading educational and socio-economic empowerment through financing.

Value 3

Leading educational and socio-economic empowerment through financing.

Value 4

Leading educational and socio-economic empowerment through financing.

Founder Image

Tri Mukhlison Anugrah, SE, MM

CEO Yayasan Educational Aid International

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Greetings from EAI!

2023 is an important year in the history of the Educational Aid International (EAI) Foundation as the first step towards making a real contribution to empowering communities in Indonesia. This year marks the starting point for the EAI Foundation to advance together with strategic partners and stakeholders to achieve its vision and mission. We invite as many local partners as possible who share the same vision, mission, and commitment to empowering communities through education financing. We are also supported by the Nama Foundation based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, with a focus on community empowerment through the education sector, strengthening social institutions, and youth development.

Our education loan program is launched with the mission of supporting equal access to higher education by providing interest-free or margin-free (Qardh) education financing solutions that are more accessible to students through collaboration with local partners.

Through the education loan, we hope that these funds can continue to circulate, reaching more students, and the funds will keep rotating to ensure sustainable benefits. On this occasion, we would like to express our gratitude to the Nama Foundation, partners, members, support teams, and donors who have made this small step possible and made it more likely for us to receive even greater support in the future. We hope to continue receiving support from stakeholders in providing as wide access as possible to interest-free education financing for every student.