Frequently Asked Question

1. What is the EAI Foundation?

The Education Aid International (EAI) Foundation is a legally established foundation in Indonesia with a mission to support equal access to higher education by providing education financing solutions without interest or margins, accessible through local partners.

2. What is Education Loan EAI?

Education Loan EAI is an interest-free soft loan channeled through local partners to undergraduate and graduate students (S1-S3), with a scheme and duration that will be tailored to the education program and policies of the local partners. Through the Education Loan EAI program, it is expected that the funds will continue to circulate within the community, thereby providing a tangible impact on sustainability.

3. How to become an EAI Local Partner?

We are seeking local partners who share the same vision, mission, and commitment to collectively expand access to educational funding for the Indonesian community. The general criteria to become an EAI local
partner include:

  • Good experience and track record.
  • Healthy financial condition of the partner.
  • Complete legal documentation of the local partner.
  • Local partner's commitment to execute the education loan program according to the agreement.
  • Ability to mitigate risks.
  • Capability to monitor the disbursed Education Loan program.

4. How to apply for an EAI Student Loan?

For individuals interested in obtaining funding, please contact the local partners who are already collaborating with us.

5. What is the process for distributing EAI education loans?

  1. EAI provides loans to students through selected local partners who meet the required capacityand criteria. These local partners will distribute loans to students through selection processes aligned with their respective programs.
  2. Students receive tuition invoices from their intended universities.
  3. These invoices are submitted to the local partners as the basis for applying for education loan.
  4. Once the student loan applications are verified and approved by the local partners, a loan agreement is established with an interest-free scheme.
  5. The local partner verifies the education expenses invoices and directly pays the university's account.
  6. After the university invoice is fully paid by the Local Partner, students begin making installments according to the loan agreement's scheme with each respective partner.
  7. Upon the maturity of the education loan, the local partner repays the loan to the EAI Foundation.